Capstone Projects and Reflection Papers:
During the PACT course, participants in the Introductory Track I will be paired with a mentor, to be selected from the faculty who are teaching the workshops. It is recommended that participants and mentors determine a topic for completion of the project. After the conference, the mentor will guide, support and assist the participant in researching, implementing and writing about his/her Capstone Project.
The Capstone Project is based on a real-life problem or issue related to the participant’s professional work in Patient Advocacy and should provide application of skills and knowledge learned in the PPALS PACT course as a foundation.
It is important to realize that the PPALS/Sanford collaboration is not a traditional conference, but a course of study that ultimately leads to certification of the PPALS curriculum. Based on how PACT is structured and presented, participants should view the PPALS/Sanford PACT as being an ongoing curriculum that continues even after leaving Sioux Falls.
Participants enrolled in the Introductory Track I Level 101 for Industry will be encouraged to complete a Capstone project while participants in the Introductory Track II Level 101 for Patient Advocacy Organizations (PAOs) will be encouraged to complete a Reflection Paper.
Participants of Tracks I and II, Level 201 (Intermediate) are encouraged to submit a Case Study for possible use in a future PACT.
While a Capstone project, Reflection Paper, or Case Study are not required for completion of the course, participation in this aspect of the curriculum bestows a certification.
More information on Capstone Projects and Reflection papers
2025 Sanford/PPALS Patient Advocacy Certificate Training (PACT) Information:
The 2025 Sanford/PPALS PACT will be held May 5th to 8th, in Sioux Falls, SD on the Sanford Research Institute’s campus. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about the life sciences patient advocacy function which resides within the pharmaceutical and biotech industries as well as within closely affiliated life science entities. For individuals leading patient advocacy organizations (PAOs), PACT provides lectures on organization infrastructure and governance.
PACT is comprised of two Tracks, one for Industry and the other for Patient Advocacy Organizations (PAO) and two levels, Introductory and Intermediate. The Intermediate level for both Tracks is available only to individuals who have already attended the PACT Introductory level course. Seating is limited for each Track and Level to insure an intimate and educational conducive environment.
The May 5, 2025 evening event will be held at the ClubHouse Hotel and Suites, Sioux Falls, SD. The full PACT course, May 6 through 8, 2025, will be held on the Sanford Research Institute’s campus, in Sioux Falls, SD. A complimentary shuttle bus will be provided to transport attendees from the Clubhouse Hotel and Suites hotel to the Sanford Campus in the morning, and back from the campus at the end of the day.
Introductory Level: Available to individuals who are new to the PACT course:
- Industry Introductory Track I (40 seats) provide individuals who work in a patient advocacy function within a company the opportunity to expand their knowledge on pertinent topics while enhancing their professional development. It also serves as an introduction for individuals who are considering a move into this unique and important career.
- Patient Advocacy Organization (PAO) Introductory Track II (20 seats) Offers a varied and thorough series of courses to provide senior leadership and board members of PAOs enhanced insight and skills regarding institutional growth and development.
Intermediate Level: Available only to individuals who have attended the Introductory Industry or PAO tracks (no exceptions):
- Industry Intermediate Track I (40 seats) The Intermediate Level continues the patient advocacy conversation through case studies and lectures on current and relevant topics.
- (PAO) Intermediate Track II (20 seats) continues the conversation with senior leadership and board members about organization management and understanding industry practices through case studies and lectures.
Basic Schedule:
Monday May 5, 2025 Welcome reception 6:00 pm (ClubHouse Hotel and Suites)
Tuesday May 6, 2025 Day 1 8:00am to 5:30 pm (Sanford campus)
Wednesday May 7, 2025 Day 2 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (Sanford campus)
Thursday May 8, 2025 Day 3 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (Sanford campus)
The Registration fee includes educational materials, daily shuttle bus from the ClubHouse Hotel and Suites to the Sanford campus, welcome reception, 1 group dinner, 3 lunches and 6 refreshment breaks
The PPALS/Sanford PACT is supported by the registration fees as there are no sponsors or exhibitors in attendance
PPALS members enjoy a significant discount on the Industry Track PACT courses. If you are not a current member you can join PPALS here before registering. Registration for the 2025 PACT course is now open.